Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ancient items

MU Online ancient sets:

Vicious Dragon Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +15
3 Set option : Increased Damage +15
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
Full set Option
Increase Minimum Attack Damage +20
Increase Maximum Attack Damage +30
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Ring of Earth (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Helm (+5-10 Vitality)

Aruane Guardian Set
2 Set option : Increased Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)

Agnis Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +40
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Poison (+5-10 Vitality)

Kantata Plate Set
2 Set option : Energy + 15
3 Set option : Vitality + 30
4 Set option : Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
Full set Option
Strength +15
Increase skill damage + 25
Excellent damage rate + 10%
Increase excellent damage + 20
Set Items Parts
Kantata Plate Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Plate Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Plate Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Ring of Poison (+5-10 Vit)
Kantata Ring of Wind (+5-10 Agi)

Gywen Guardian Set
2 Set option : 2x dmg rate + 10%
3 Set option : Agility + 30
4 Set option : Incr min attacking skill + 20
5 Set option : Incr max attacking skill + 20
Full set Option
Critical damage rate + 15%
Excellent damage rate + 15%
Increase critical damage + 20
Increase excellent damage + 20
Set Items Parts
Gywen Guardian Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Gywen Guardian Gauntlets (+5-10 Vit)
Gywen Guardian Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Gywen Silver Bow (+5-10 Agi)
Gywen Pendant of Ability


Gaion Storm Crow Set
2 Set option : Ignore enemy's defensive skill + 5%
3 Set option : 2x damage rate + 15%
4 Set option : Inc. attacking skill + 15
Full set Option
Excellent damage rate + 15%
Increase excellent damage + 30
Increase wizardry + 20%
Increase Strength + 30
Set Items Parts
Gaion Storm Crow Armor (+5-10 Vit)
Gaion Storm Crow Pants (+5-10 Vit)
Gaion Storm Crow Boots (+5-10 Vit)
Gaion Pendant of Water (+5-10 Vit)

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