If you are looking for some goog MU online servers then you've come to the right place. We are fans of this amazing online game and we already tried plenty of servers. Here is a list of our favorite MU servers:
InfinityMU.net - http://www.infinitymu.net/
ExtraMU - http://extramu.biz/
BattleMU - http://www.battlemu.biz/
NextMU - http://nextmu.biz/
AngelMU - http://muonlines.info/
EpicMU - http://www.epicmu.com/
BloodMU - http://www.bloodmu.com/
ZhyperMU - http://www.zhypermu.com/
FortressMU - http://www.fortressmu.com/
GrudgeMU - http://www.grudgemu.com/